When I think of my favourite sci-fi properties over the years, it's hard to ignore the quotes. From 'Make it so' to 'So say we all', the best don't just capture the soul of a character or entire property but they reach out and say something to us about our real lives. Wat do I think makes a good quote? Well, here's a couple of examples:
'I aim to misbehave' (Malcolm Reynolds: Serenity)
Such a statement of intent, delivered with the context of doing the right thing, but having to break the rules in the process... and don't we just love that beautiful mixture.
'Always with you, what cannot be done' (Yoda: The Empire Strikes Back)
One of the Jedi Master's lesser quoted remarks to Luke is a lesson about perspective and mindset. It reminds me to look, not at the difficulty of everything I am trying to achieve but at my ability to do the smaller things that will eventually add up. As an author, it's not about writing a six-book series, it's about writing that next chapter.
'So say we all' (Pretty much everyone: Battlestar Galactica)
A quote so good it got its own speech. This saying is a wonderful bit of writing/worldbuilding from the RDM BSG. How can you not be jealous? It embodies the Human spirit that permeates the story and brings people together in times of desperation. It is collective and inclusive, poetic in its form and resolute in its intent.
When I'm writing The Deep System, I don't look for places to create quotes - usually, they just emerge out dialogue and a character says a line and I really like it. One of the first ones from Proteus Rising was Asatei and Yseult facing off...
Another one I like came from Terrileese as she addressed Sila Verdine. It feels like the two captains are destined to be at odds with each other even when it seems like their hearts are in the same place.
Of course, when we are writing, we never know if and what the readers will latch on to. What they will remember and identify with the series is something that emerges organically but if you write, I hope you have some quotes that you're proud of or a t lest, are hopeful that your readers will remember long after the final page is turned.