Writing for Cyran Aurixx at the moment and in Proteus Rising, I really feel like I'm starting to like him. I don't like bad guys that are just bad and he isn't - he's a product or circumstance. I think I like it that way. The Deep System isn't about heroes and villains, it's about how we all fit somewhere in between all that. The truth is 'beyond good and evil'... Which would have been a great name for the series if it wasn't taken by that game Ubisoft are never going to finish.
If you've ever felt hard done by or treated unjustly and when you tried to stand up to that, to put it right or at least to want an acknowledgement things just got worse. And that only fuels you to want to put it right even more - that's Cyran Aurixx. They say every villain is the hero of their own story and I hope that Cyran will become a 'bad guy' that we kind of wish wasn't because he doesn't think he is and he didn't have to be.